
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
88 // Development (Reengaging Resurrection: Part 2)
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Our ongoing miniseries investigation into Alien: Resurrection continues with this spirited discussion on the origins of the film. JM, Patrick, and Mike (our new recruit!) explore the complicated early stages of Resurrection's development, using firsthand accounts and script excerpts to uncover what was really going on behind the scenes.
Our Resurrection series continues in just two weeks, so be sure to subscribe if you haven't already!
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
87 // A Deep Dive into Alien: The Cold Forge
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Alex White's Alien: The Cold Forge sent shockwaves through fandom when it hit shelves last spring. In this roundtable conversation, Patrick, MUTHUR9000, and David go deep into the terrifying halls of RB-232 to talk storytelling, xenomorphology, transhumanism, and much more.
This episode contains spoilers; if you haven't read Alien: The Cold Forge yet, be sure to pick it up and finish it at least once before listening.
For more on White and his work, be sure to sign up for his newsletter at http://www.alexrwhite.com/. And be sure not to miss MUTHUR9000's extensive blog posts on Plagiarus praepotens and Manumala noxhydria.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
86 // Toxicity and the State of Fandom
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Patrick and JM sit down to discuss the toxic state of fandom in general, and what we can do to make it a better more welcoming environment. The video component of this episode is avaialble on our website, our Facebook page and our YouTube channel.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Monday Jun 11, 2018
85 // Interview with Odd Studio (Yutani Collab)
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
In this special collaborative interview with Yutani Podcast, JM and MUTHUR9000 talk to Adam Johansen and Damian Martin of the prolific effects house Odd Studio. Odd Studio (along with Creatures Inc) provided many of the astonishing makeup, creature, and prosthetic effects in Alien: Covenant.
In this far-ranging interview, Adam and Damian give us a glimpse into the innermost workings of the Covenant production, and answer some of fandom's burning questions along the way. You won't want to miss it!
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Saturday May 19, 2018
84 // Renewing the Covenant: Debating Alien: Covenant a Year Later
Saturday May 19, 2018
Saturday May 19, 2018
It's been a year since Alien: Covenant released around the world. The hosts at Perfect Organism Podcast and its contributing co-hosts sit down to talk about how the film sits with them a year later and how the fandom is processing the film, and so much more. This was a spirited, and sometimes very tense discussion as hosts Patrick, JM, Mykal, MUTHUR9000, and Dave put into words the complicated relationship that some of us have with the film, as well as the surprising new love that others are feeling for it. Sit back and enjoy. Listen through the end, as JM and Patrick stay on to read user comments from a recent fan poll.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday May 08, 2018
83 // ALIEN: Supporting Characters
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Contributing Host (and Xenomorphing.com blogger) Dave Gogel brought up the idea of discussing the supporting characters of each Alien film, beginning with Alien. JM and Patrick sat down with Dave to begin what will be a series of long conversations about the lesser discussed characters in the Alien universe. It was a great time.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.
![82 // Alien: Proximity (with Alien Day Featurette) [ALIEN DAY 2018]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1031451/Prox_launch_rebrand_Podbean_for_release.jpg)
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
82 // Alien: Proximity (with Alien Day Featurette) [ALIEN DAY 2018]
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
As we come to close of Alien Day 2018, we'd like to present this re-release of Alien: Proximity with a new audio featurette we've produced just for this occasion. To hear the long, crazy story behind this project, please visit bit.ly/proximityfeaturette.
Perfect Organism is proud to present a groundbreaking new audio drama set in the Alien universe. The culmination of nearly a year of work, Alien: Proximity is a character-driven glimpse into the nightmare that erupted in the Hadley's Hope colony on Acheron in June of 2179.
Written and directed by JM Prater, Alien: Proximity is the story of Anne (Micah Greene) and Aaron (Patrick Greene) Andrews, two young colonists trying to hold it together while the world around them falls apart. With immersive sound design, an orchestral score, and a talented cast of voice actors from around the world, Alien: Proximity is a love letter to the Alien Saga created by people who love it madly and truly.
This is for you. We hope you enjoy it.
CAST (in order of appearance)
Introduction: Richard 'Spanners' Ready of Missed Apex Podcast
Narrator: Kevin Kordis
Aaron Andrews: Patrick Greene
Anne Andrews: Micah Greene
Radio: JM Prater
Brad Lydecker: Bradford Eckhart
Woman on Transmission: JoAnne Greene
Child on Transmission: Jude Greene
Medlab Voices: Ryan Zeid
Radio Commercial: Ryan Zeid
Ooge: Mykal McCulloch
Robbie: Kevin Duffield
JM Prater and Patrick Greene
Patrick Greene (see patrickgreenemusic.com for full list of performers)
JM Prater
JM Prater
Based on original characters by Dan O'Bannon, Ron Shusett, and James Cameron
![81 // Interview with Gabriel Hardman, creator of Dust to Dust [ALIEN DAY 2018]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1031451/3002583p6.jpg)
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
81 // Interview with Gabriel Hardman, creator of Dust to Dust [ALIEN DAY 2018]
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Gabriel Hardman has had quite the career. From storyboarding films like Inception and Interstellar to drawing Hulk for Marvel, Hardman has established himself as a uniquely gifted voice in visual storytelling. His newest release is a stunning miniseries just released by Dark Horse: Dust to Dust. In this extended interview, Patrick and Gabriel go in-depth on the creative process, the nature of working with established intellectual properties, the evolution of the xenomorph's design, and lots more.
We hope you enjoy it, and we hope you're having wonderful Alien Days!
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.
![80 // An ALIEN Commentary [ALIEN DAY 2018]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1031451/Screen_Shot_2018-04-26_at_10_07_21_AM.png)
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
80 // An ALIEN Commentary [ALIEN DAY 2018]
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
JM and Patrick sit down and share their first formal viewing of Ridley Scott's seminal film, ALIEN. This was a really wonderful couple of hours to spend together. We hope that this commentary is as special for all of you, as it was recording it. Pay no attention to the Covenant argument slash discussion that broke out. We couldn't help ourselves. You guys n' gals are amazing people. Without you, there would be no Perfect Organism Podcast.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.
![Review: ALIEN Offworld Colony Simulator [ALIEN DAY 2018]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1031451/colony.jpg)
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Review: ALIEN Offworld Colony Simulator [ALIEN DAY 2018]
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Alien Day 2018 starts with a bang! And a feverish run down a corridor towards a door with a combination I can't figure out while being pursued by hissing creatures in the darkness ...
Fox granted us early access to this wonderful new RPG-style Alexa game. In this minisode, Patrick runs through the basics and shares some of his thoughts.
To play the game yourself, swing over to alienuniverse.com right now!
Stay tuned for many, many #ALIENDAY events over the coming hours by liking Perfect Organism on Facebook and bookmarking www.perfectorganism.com/alienday.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.