
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Episode 43: Dissecting The Prologue
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
This Episode, JM and Ryan sit down with long time fan, Paul, to discuss at length, the recent prologue short from ALIEN: Covenant.
We hope you enjoy, and thank you all for being the best fans ever.

Monday Jan 30, 2017
Stasis Interrupted : Ripley After Resurrection : A Script Reading
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Stasis Interrupted is a category intended for our one off shows that aren't exactly typical episodes for us. This episode is particularly poignant, as this was host Peter Haight's last formal show with Perfect Organism (he will be back here and there). We send him off with our best regards. Peter helped to build Perfect Organism to the show that it is today. Thank you, Peter.
JM, Ryan and Peter read an unfinised scripted entitled ALIEN : GENESIS, which picks up, months after Ripley 8 has crash landed on earth, and settled in New Russia. JM also reads a portion of a completed (and discarded) script entitled ALIEN : RISING, again, picking up moments after The Betty, from Alien Resurrection, breaks into Earth's atmosphere. We hope you enjoy. A lot of editing and time went into this show.

Friday Jan 27, 2017
Episode 42: Neill Blomkamp and Life Beyond Ripley...
Friday Jan 27, 2017
Friday Jan 27, 2017
JM and Ryan get together the recent news surrounding the prospects of Neill Blomkamp directing an ALIEN film, and an ALIEN universe beyond Ripley. We also discuss the recent statements from James Cameron about the validity of more films, and what it all could mean.

Saturday Jan 14, 2017
Episode 41 : Blade Runner 2049 & Arrival
Saturday Jan 14, 2017
Saturday Jan 14, 2017
Ryan, Peter and JM, got together to record what I feel like is some of our best work yet. Particularly, for myself (JM), I was able to discuss, in depth why science fiction is important, and the layers that great sci-fi stories and films can present, should we give it the thought, time and space. On this episode, the crew discusses the first teaser trailer for Blade Runner 2049, our first impressions, Arrival...the nature of androids, man's ethics when it comes to how we treat our creation, language, and so much more. Please join us for a great discussion.

Wednesday Jan 04, 2017
Episode 40: Dissecting ALIEN: Covenant
Wednesday Jan 04, 2017
Wednesday Jan 04, 2017
In this episode Jaime and Ryan further investigate every moment from the long awaited trailer for Alien: Covenant. We leave no stone unturned and even wax poetic about what constitutes great science fiction, the fickle and never happy fan community and so much more. Peter is on hiatus from the show until he's fully moved in and settled. Join us for what is one of our best episodes yet.

Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Episode 39: The A L I E N: Covenant Trailer Reaction
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Ryan, Peter and JM sit down once again to FINALLY discuss the long awaited trailer and fan reaction to it...
We experienced technical difficulties with this episode, so you will hear two parts. The first part consists of
all three hosts of Perfect Organism, the second part was recorded later in the day, free of any technical issues
and glitches....

Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Episode 38 : Where The F*#!$ is the A L I E N : Covenant Trailer?
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Jaime and Ryan discuss all of the latest news surrounding ALIEN Covenant, including the recent press screenings, the set pic leaks, and where in gods green earth is that Alien Covenant trailer??
Peter was feeling under the weather for this episode. He will be back in fine for next time! Thanks for listening, and enjoy!

Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Stasis Interrupted : Perfect Organism Talks the New ALIEN : Covenant Poster
Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Ryan, Peter and Jaime sit down to discuss the latest poster for ALIEN Covenant, and what it all could mean.

Saturday Nov 19, 2016
Episode 37: P R O M E T H E U S
Saturday Nov 19, 2016
Saturday Nov 19, 2016
At long last, Jaime, Peter and new co-host Ryan discuss Prometheus, from beginning to end. THIS IS NOT A BASH FEST. We take our time to discuss what we really love about the film, and what we don't. Take a ride with us. We think you'll enjoy the terrain. :)

Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Episode 36: Leaked Images From ALIEN : Covenant
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
JM and new co-host, Ryan Zeid are talking about the latest develops and leaked imagery surrounding ALIEN: Covenant, and what it means, and how fandom is receiving the news.