
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Episode 52: The Weyland Yutani Bulletin Speaks Entry Two
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Wednesday May 10, 2017
JM and Ryan make another entry into The Weyland Yutani Bulletin Speaks series. This time, everything centers around Neill Blomkamp's project. JM also walks through the timeline of the announcement of Blomkamp's film, and the events that surround it, including official, and on the record comments made by Sigourney Weaver, Rildey Scott, and Blomkamp himself.

Monday May 01, 2017
Episode 51: Reviewing The Covenant Soundtrack
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
JM and Roundtable co-host Dave sit down to discuss and review Jed Kurzel's score for ALIEN: Covenant. We also discuss our reaction to the 14 minutes of Covenant footage we screened with ALIEN on Alien Day 2017. Brutal. As always, thanks for listening.

Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
The Weyland Yutani Bulletin Speaks
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
This is the first entry of a new weekly recording of discussions that happen on the biggest Alien group on social media, The Weyland Yutani Bulletin. The Weyland Yutani Bulletin, alongside the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy site and forum is the pulse of Alie fandom. What better way to let our listeners know what's going on, then reading active discussions. JM and Mykal have the honor of reading the posts and replies this week. This is new for us, and something we feel isn't being done on podcasts. Let us know what you think.

Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Episode 50: Perfect Organism Interviews Ripley Actress, Laurel Lefkow
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
JM and Ryan have the honor and privilege of interviewing esteemed and award winning actress, Laurel Lefkow who embodies Ripley perfectly in the audio drama of Tim Lebbon's ALIEN: Out of the Shadows.

Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Episode 49: Perfect Organism Interviews Author Tim Lebbon
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
JM and Ryan are delighted to interview author Tim Lebbon, who's work has centered around the Alien expanded universe. This interview was a treat for us, as we ask Tim about his entry into the Alien universe, how it began, and his work on Alien: Out of the Shadows.

Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Episode 48: ALIEN DAY 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
JM and Ryan discuss ALIEN DAY, fan feedback, and the latest news in this ALIEN DAY 2017 Epsiode special.

Monday Apr 17, 2017
Episode 47: A Roundtable Roundup
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
JM and Ryan are again joined by our regular roundtable co-hosts, Mykal and Dave to discuss the new behind the scenes video for ALIEN: Covenant, and talk about everything that's come out in the past few weeks as we build in anticipation for ALIEN Day 4/26/17. This was a fun episode. We hope you enjoy!

Wednesday Apr 05, 2017
Episode 46: ALIEN: Awakening and A Perfect Organism Audio Drama
Wednesday Apr 05, 2017
Wednesday Apr 05, 2017
Jaime and Ryan sit down to discuss the latest news in ALIEN fandom.....the kickass poster, the news of another ALIEN film being prepped and readied for filming....what film we believe it is, Fox's recent involvement with the larger fan community and so much more. It's been over two weeks since we've recorded, and we're happy to back in the swing of things again. We also take this opportunity to discuss, at length, PROXIMITY: Last Stand At Hadley's Hope, Perfect Organism's first formal full length and original audio drama. Thank you for listening, and for being awesome.

Thursday Mar 16, 2017
Episode 45: Walter & The Round Table
Thursday Mar 16, 2017
Thursday Mar 16, 2017
JM and Ryan are joined by David Gogel, who has shared opinion pieces about the Alien experience, that he's written, and our second time guest, Mykal Mcculloch, for what will now be an ongoing, and official round table discussion, which we will produced once a month, or when schedules permit. This episode we're all discussing the latest Walter viral video, where we see the series going, with the news that Ridley Scott will be in the director's chair for the foreseeable future...and so much more. Join us!

Friday Mar 03, 2017
Episode 44: Saluting Pvt Hudson & Talking the Latest Covenant Trailer
Friday Mar 03, 2017
Friday Mar 03, 2017
Ryan and JM are joined by 3 honored guests...Aaron Percival, who runs the AvP Galaxy website and social media pages, Ross Poulter, admin, and second in command over at The Weyland Yutani Bulletin, and Mykal, an incredibly committed fan of the Alien series, and new member of The Weyland Yutani Bulletin. This episode finds us sending off Private Hudson in our own way, honoring Bill Paxton's legacy, and his place in our own lives. We then move on to discuss the latest trailer for Alien Covenant, in-depth. This was a fantastic episode. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed recording it!