
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
108 // It Looks Like a Warning (The Forbidden Planet: Part 1)
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Welcome to The Forbidden Planet—our long-awaited full series on Alien! On this kickoff episode, hosts Jaime and Patrick unpack Alien's importance in film history, in their lives, and in global popular culture. Why does it still haunt us? Why does it still inspire us? How does it fit in the continuum of science fiction—and how did it alter that continuum forever?
We're celebrating the fortieth anniversary of this landmark film with a year full of interviews, research pieces, roundtables, debates, video segments, and more.
Strap into those pressure suits. Let's get out there.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
At last, we've reached a stopping point on our journey down 40 Miles of Bad Road. But don't worry! We'll be revisiting the series from time to time in the years to come.
As we sit here and reflect on the road we've traveled—the stories we've heard, the reflections we've shared, the people we've met along the way—we thought it would be a nice moment to open the conversation up a bit.
On this enormous roundtable, Jaime and Patrick are joined by regulars Mykal McCulloch, MUTHUR9000 (yutani.blog), Dave Gogel (xenomorphing.com), and Conar Murdoch, as well as some new voices: Sean Sumner (part of our Building Better Worlds team) and Dusty Tweedhope (longtime listener and friend of the show).
This show covers the full gamut of what we hope to achieve with this roundtable format: hilarity, genuine introspection, fellowship, ribald banter, and so much more. We celebrate the past and look to the future, and we have a wonderful time along the way.
Thank you all for traveling this road with us. Our Forbidden Planet series is just around the corner!
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
106 // Is Aliens Overrated? (40 Miles of Bad Road Part 8)
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
In Part eight of our series on ALIENS, Jaime and Patrick discuss whether or not the film is overrated and overhyped. This is an intriguing conversation that led to a few other topics surrounding how originals movies are allowed to be these days. This was a great discourse and we hope you enjoy listening as much as we loved talking about it.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
105 // Dispelling Rumors (a mini-episode)
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Jaime and Patrick step away from 40 Miles of Bad Road to address the recent swirl of rumors making their way through fandom. The hosts continue on to discuss their recent meetup at USC in Los Angeles to enjoy the 40th Anniversary Alien exhibit.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
104 // Every Character Matters (40 Miles of Bad Road: Part 7)
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
What makes the characters in Aliens so unforgettable? Join hosts Jaime and Patrick as they team up with special guests Dave (of Xenomorphing.com) and Dan (of Shoulder of Orion: The Blade Runner Podcast) to uncover some of the reasons these characters live on so strongly in our hearts and in our memories.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Thursday Jan 24, 2019
103 // Alien: Blackout - The Perfect Organism Review
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Join hosts Jaime and Patrick on this extended look at Alien: Blackout, the brand-new Amanda Ripley-centric mobile game! Patrick's been playing it for nearly two weeks, and offers some extensive thoughts on the design, gameplay, replayability, and more.
For an even deeper review, be sure to check out our website!
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Monday Jan 21, 2019
102 // Interview with Johnnie Christmas (William Gibson's Alien 3)
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
In this episode—a brief break from our ongoing 40 Miles of Bad Road series—hosts Jaime and Patrick sit down with Johnnie Christmas, the writer and artist behind the groundbreaking new Dark Horse series based on the second draft of William Gibson’s unproduced screenplay for Alien 3.
Stay tuned at the end for listener questions, and check out more from Johnnie at johnniechristmas.com!
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
101 // The Queen: Part Two (40 Miles of Bad Road Part 6)
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
In part two of our Alien Queen discussion, Patrick and Jaime are joined by contributors and guests MUTHUR9000 (yutani.blog), Conar (Building Better Worlds), Shaun (Perfect Organism Video Lead), Dave (Xenomorphing), Mykal, and special guest Bryant Dillon of Fanbase Press. This diverse roundtable further dissects the role of the queen questioning if she’s still useful, divisive, or profound. This was a crazy fun episode with a surprise discussion at the end. We hope you enjoy it.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Saturday Jan 05, 2019
100 // 100th Episode of Perfect Organism: The Alien Saga Podcast
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Patrick and Jaime convene in this special video epsiode to celebrate 100 episodes of the podcast, the road traveled and the road ahead. The hosts go on to discuss some of the happenings going on in fandom, and what's to expect (or hope for) in 2019.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Thursday Dec 27, 2018
99 // Fandom Spotlight: MUTHUR9000 of Studio Yutani
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
In another entry in our Fandom Spotlight series, Jaime chats to MUTHUR9000 of Studio Yutani. From the state of fandom during the post-release of Alien: Covenant, to Studio Yutani and her hopes and dreams for the future, join us in a riveting and lovely conversation about all things Alien.
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.