
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
When Alien: Covenant was released in theaters back in 2017, it was nothing short of explosive. EVERYONE had an opinion about it. And for a lot of us in Alien fandom, Covenant represents a painful time in our community.
But why? What is it about this movie that inspires such intense reactions, good and bad?
Join Jaime and Patrick as they revisit the very first on-air discussion they ever had (way back in Episode 59). How does Alien: Covenant sit now, four years after its release? What themes have stood the test of time; what has soured with age? Where do we go from here? How did we get here in the first place?
This is the first episode of a full, extended series that many of you have been asking for. We're calling it "Exquisite Corpse - Dissecting Alien: Covenant." And we can't wait to take this journey with you.
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
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// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
172 // Stop and Smell the Corpses - Aliens: Fireteam Elite Review Roundtable
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Aliens: Fireteam Elite is finally here, and we couldn't wait to talk about it! Join Patrick, Christian, Perry, Dave (of xenomorphing.com and the Hive Mind podcast), and first-time guest Drew Jackson as they land on LV-895, whip out their pulse rifles, and start discussing the intricacies of this crazy little (-ish) game.
We talk strategy, lore (with some light spoilers for this game as well as Aliens: Infiltrator), and a whole lot more. So equip your perks, keep an eye out for Monica, and join the conversation.
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
The first six issues of Phillip Kennedy Johnson's run on Marvel's Alien are officially out! Join Patrick and Christian as they chat with Phillip about Gabriel Cruz, the Alpha, that Giger-esque women/alien hybrid, liberation-minded synthetics, "cleansing fire," and so much more.
Phillip also gives our listeners a first look at where the comic is going next, including some very exciting news about a new protagonist, a new setting, and some new nightmares.
So head over to your local comic store, get reading, and join us!
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
170 // Interviewing Scott Rogers, Designer of Alien: Fate of the Nostromo
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
As Alien fans, we've got a lot of ways to engage with the stories we love. We can watch the films, read the comics, play with the action figures, sew our cosplay outfits, explore the decks of the Sevastopol ... and sometimes, when we're lucky, we get something that allows us to engage with these stories in collaboration with others.
That's just what Scott Rogers, the legendary game designer behind Ravensburger's new Alien: Fate of the Nostromo, had in mind as he and his team brought this new tabletop experience to life.
Join Jaime and Patrick as they talk with Scott about all sorts of things: his life-long love for Alien, the inner mechanics of game design, and so much more.
And be sure to pick up a copy of Alien: Fate of the Nostromo, on sale now wherever games are sold!
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
169 // The Risk Always Lives: Interviewing Jenette Goldstein
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Aliens remains one of the greatest sequels ever made. The 1986 followup to the Ridley Scott original turned a one-off phenomenal film into a franchise-maker.
Even moreso than its predecessor, James Cameron’s Aliens is a film about character. In this special interview, Jenette Goldstein—who, in portraying PFC Vasquez, gave us one of the most unforgettable characters of all—takes us on a tour of her life, her time on set, and her most cherished memories.
Joining Jaime and Patrick in this exciting interview are our new Contributing Hosts, Andie and Christian!
After the interview wraps, stick around for an extended roundtable conversation on the legacy of Vasquez (and much more), as the interview quartet is joined by IG all-stars Perry and Maj.
Keep up with all of Jenette's exploits on IG! @realjenettegoldstein @jenettebras_la @jenettebras_atl And be sure to stop by jenettebras.com.
Also!! Make sure you check out Jenette appearing in the music video for "Reach," a song by Bill Paxton's band Martini Ranch. Directed by James Cameron, no less! You might recognize some other faces as well ...
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
168 // Celebrating the 35 Year Legacy of Aliens: A Roundtable
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Thirty-five years ago—July 14, 1986—James Cameron’s Aliens lit up movie screens across the globe for the first time. In the decades since, Aliens has become a deeply beloved, immeasurably influential, genre-defining example of what great filmmaking looks like.
In this roundtable celebration of Aliens’ 35th anniversary, Jaime, Patrick, Christian, Maj, and Perry are joined once again by Marvel’s Phillip Kennedy Johnson for a rousing look at Aliens and its deep impact on our lives, our work, and our world.

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
167 // Papa's Got a Pulse Rifle: Aliens and Parenthood
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
As we get ever closer to the 35th anniversary of Aliens' theatrical premiere, fans around the world find ourselves feeling a little nostalgic. Many of us were introduced to Aliens (or other films in the saga) by parents, aunts, uncles, etc. And many of us now, having grown to become parents, aunts, uncles ourselves, are in the wonderful position of being able to introduce it to kids ourselves.
On this heartfelt episode, Jaime and Patrick are joined by our new Contributing Host Christian Matzke, as well as beloved PO guest Andie GeekGirl. We hope you feel the love.
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
166 // Interviewing Marvel's Benjamin Percy, Writer of Aliens: Aftermath
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Benjamin Percy wears many hats: novelist (Red Moon); superstar comic writer (Wolverine and X-Force); podcast innovator (Wastelanders: Old Man Star-Lord). But one of the first hats he wore was "Alien fan."
Percy teamed up with the artist Dave Wachter to create Aliens: Aftermath—a double-sized one-shot Marvel is releasing to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Aliens.
Join Jaime and Patrick as they chat with Benjamin about this exciting project, and about the lasting influence Aliens has on us all.
//iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
165 // NECA : Interviewing VP & Senior Creative Director - Randy Falk
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
In this episode, Jaime sits down with Randy Falk, the VP and Senior Creative Director at NECA. In this exclusive interview, Randy pulls back the curtain offering a glimpse of how NECA makes their figures, from first idea to final destination and so much more. This was an insightful interview that all of us at Perfect Organism hope you enjoy.
//iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday May 18, 2021
164 // Not Drawing Any Straws: Parker and the Legacy of Yaphet Kotto
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
The character of Parker is arguably the hero of Alien. Performed deftly by the late Yaphet Kotto, Parker echoes in the heart chambers of the Alien saga. From his charm, to his wit, to his affable nature, Parker endears himself to the audience as well as the crew of the Nostromo.
In this episode, Jaime, Patrick, and special guest Christian Matzke sit down to discuss this indelible character and the legacy he's left in a series that is second to none.
//iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.