
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Sublime Noise // Interstellar // Hans Zimmer
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
This week, we are releasing our inaugural episode from our new Patreon-exclusive show, Sublime Noise. To attain access to our full repertoire of film and score reviews, go to www.perfectorganism.com/support. Patronage starts at $4 a month. All proceeds go directly back into
"What's the first film score or soundtrack that moved you? Was it when you were a child? When did you buy your first soundtrack? Patrick and Jaime sit down on this inaugural episode of Sublime Noise to answer these questions while discussing their mutual love of music, first memories and more leading into a thorough dissection of Hans Zimmer's masterwork, Interstellar. We hope you enjoy."
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
181 // There’s Movement: The Legacy of Giger’s Alien | Part One
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
This episode kicks off a miniseries where Jaime, Patrick, and the Perfect Organism team discuss the lasting legacy of H.R. Giger's Alien creature. From the psychology of its design, to its place in the creature hall of fame, Jaime and Patrick dive head first into discussing what is inarguably the most iconic and terrifying creature that's ever been put on screen.
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Monday Jan 17, 2022
180 // You Don’t Dare Kill It: The Alien Lifecycle | A Roundtable Discussion
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
In this roundtable discussion, the team at Perfect Organism sits down to discuss the processes of the Alien lifecycle. With six canonical films and two AvP films, does the traditional lifecycle continue to be effective? Should the new lifecycle as seen in Alien Covenant be the way forward as we approach the Noah Hawley produced Alien Series? We attempt to answer these questions and many more in this riveting hour and a half discussion.
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
179 // Plans for a New Year, and Gratitude for a Year Past
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
2021 is a year that will go down in Perfect Organism history as one of our favorites. We talked to our heroes, we reopened the marvelously fascinating wound that is Alien: Covenant, and we grew our team. We read new comics, played a new board game, devoured another Alex White novel. We spent another Alien Day with friends and family, and released another audio drama.
But just wait till you hear what we've got planned for 2022!
Join Jaime and Patrick as they capture this moment in time, and stick around to the end to hear the names of all the Patrons who've made it possible.
We are grateful for each and every one of you!
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Monday Dec 06, 2021
178 // ALIENS: Special Edition vs. Theatrical - A Roundtable
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Aliens: Special Edition was a thing of mystery for many years before it saw a formal release on Laser Disc in 1991. In the interim, many of us remembered specific scenes we weren't sure were real until James Cameron gave his seal of approval on his original vision. In this roundtable episode, Jaime, Patrick, Christian, Andie, and Perry sit down to discuss the merits of the special edition, and how they stack up against the theatrical release. Is one version superior than the other? We attempt to answer this question and more. Join us.
This will be the last episode of 2022 until January 4th. We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays.
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
There is a time shortly after the release of Prometheus and before pre-production on Alien: Covenant where things get ... murky. Ridley Scott was doing interview after interview, talking about a planned trilogy (or was it a quintology?) of prequel films in the coming years. The rumor mill on Prometheus 2 (or was it Paradise Lost?) was in full swing. Things were happening.
In this installment in our ongoing exploration into Alien: Covenant, Jaime and Patrick are joined by Aaron Percival of AVP Galaxy to comb through those early days in a search for answers. What happened to Lindelof? How did Blomkamp's art dumps change the narrative? We dive into all this and more in this archaeological dig of an episode.
Be sure to listen to Aaron and friends on the AVP Galaxy Podcast! Concept art by Khang Le.
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
The Medbay sequence in Alien: Covenant shocked, enthralled, and terrified audiences back in 2017. In this next installment of our ongoing exploration into the film, actor Benjamin Rigby—who, as Covenant's Ledward, is at the very center of that iconic scene—takes Jaime and Patrick deep into the creative process behind it.
Be sure to follow Benjamin on IG (@brigby) for some amazing photography!
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
In this second entry into our Patreon-exclusive Dune limited series, Jaime, Patrick, and Drew discuss David Lynch's vision of Frank Herbert's story. Released in 1984, Lynch's Dune would crash and burn at the box office, while subsequently forging a cult following in the years to come. Tragedy, triumph, or something in-between, we cover all aspects of the first film version of Dune and our anticipation for Villeneuve's film. Join us.
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
We’re back with another roundtable! Alien: Covenant presents a lot to talk about, and on this wide-ranging installment we tackle some of the more problematic aspects of the film. What do we wrestle with? Where does Covenant fall flat? Why is it so hard to stop talking about this freaking movie?!
Join Jaime, Patrick, Christian, Andie, Maj, and special guest Matt John as they venture further into David's creepy basement.
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
There's no beating around the bush: Alien: Covenant is, at its heart, a divisive film in fandom. So how do we make sense of it? Do we throw it all out and hope for a more unifying film next time? It's never that simple. While there is a lot that is controversial about Alien: Covenant, there is a lot that is profound as well.
In this roundtable discussion, Jaime, Patrick, Christian, Andie, Perry, and Maj jump into the deep end to discuss a film that continues to be a flashpoint in fandom. While not the success the studio had hoped for—or the rallying point fans were desperate to receive—Covenant is worthy of exploration. We hope you enjoy.
// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes
// For more on this and our other projects, please visit www.perfectorganism.com.
// If you’d like to join the conversation, find us on our closed Facebook group: Building Better Worlds
// To support the show, please consider visiting www.perfectorganism.com/support. We’ve got some great perks available!
// And as always, please consider rating, reviewing, and sharing this show. We can’t tell you how much your support means to us, but we can hopefully show you by continuing to provide better, more ambitious, and more dynamic content for years to come.